Sunday, March 27, 2011

Not so much a WIP as a final product...

So this is my demo reel I finished for my graduation from The Art Institute of Vancouver.

You can view it here.

Now, what to do what to do...

I'll probably journal a bit before jumping back into 3D to quickly however here are a few things I've had in mind for my next reel and other art projects:

1 - a stylized character: cartoony, maybe based off some reference

2 - a female character

3 - environments for my characters - nothing too crazy but definitely more than a sphere or a plane

4 - something mechanical/robotic/armored - hard surface stuff, whether something like a Halo suite or a more complex hard surfaced character

5 - Doomsday...fighting Superman

6 - better hair and skin texturing

7 - digital painting and life drawing - 2D stuff

so...apparently I do have some ideas hahaha but nothing specific now.  I need to relax a bit and clear my head after a very intense year and three quarters of school, organize my thoughts and life and get back into it soon enough.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

plugging away

So, I'm most likely cutting my cherry cola character from my reel since it's not showing off a lot of skill.  I still like it though - a nice simple character that worked fairly well rigged.  Here are some pics as well as some updated shots of my other stuff.