1 - Miss Universe
This will be a sci-fi beauty pageant contestant/winner based off of Jessica Alba's face (as best as I can duplicate her)
and philip Straub's celestial queen.
So something spacey and partially glowing but very sci-fi.
My goal with this is to model a female character and feet, both of which will be my first time. Plus, to do a cool dress with lots of intricate pieces to it.
2 - A Realistic Trogdor
So imagine this but realistic! I'll be concepting some ideas for this but will take a crocodile/alligator/snake approach to the body, bat wings and a human arm. The legs will be dragonish but standing upright and the eyes/eyebrows will be on the head not floating. I also want to take that Trogdor song that was featured on homestarrunner.com and copy that kind of music video idea - so I'll be doing a knight version of Trogdor and some peasants as well as a hut or two. For the knight I'll use Pete Postlewaite with one of those funny medieval mushroom hair cuts.
3 - Undecided
I'm still thinking something mechanical and possibly cartoony
My other reel idea is to take this picture by Christian Lorenz Scheurer and make the entire thing in 3d - characters (all of them highly detailed) and environment (a bigger and better view of it here http://www.christianlorenzscheurer.com/htmlpages/paintings/hern.html)
I love this guy's concepts and this would be sweet to see in 3d with all the lighting and such done up right - and I wouldn't stop until it was done right.
So, since I haven't started anything officially yet (a partial finger for the Miss Universe) I might try to do this last one first. I've done lots of charactes (love 'em) but I want to do some environment stuff as well - since I can but haven't really shown it. So perhaps in rambling on a bit I've come to the decision of doing this first, or at least part of it. It'll no doubt be a long term project haha.
Later folks, stay tuned!